
Our college provides separate hostel facilities for both male and female students within the campus. SNIMS is fully equipped to provide accommodation to all students. Our hostels are located around lush green surroundings creating a serene environment. Rooms are spacious and well ventilated
SNIMS Hostel is a seven storied building with elevator facility. Ground floor has a visitor’s room. Each floor has 14 rooms. Each room is designed to provide comfortable accomodation to two or three occupants. Rooms have bookshelves and cloth cupboards. Students are provided with a table and a chair each. A reading room along with a dedicated study area adds value. Mess facility is provided with a dining area. Students are provided with delicious snacks and hygienic meals. A recreation room has cable T.V, a sound system, a gym and a few indoor sports facilities. To promote outdoor activities and to keep students physically and mentally fit, a large playground located in front of the hostel provides football, volleyball and basketball courts.
Hostels are provided with 24x7 security. Students can seek assistance from a caretaker or a matron if the need arises. Overall living ambience provides an appropriate environment for students to study and grow as thorough professionals.
Cleanliness and hygiene are maintained through trained housekeeping personnel. Rooms are cleaned daily. Their services are available on all days from morning till evening. SNIMS’ vision is to ensure students achieve academic success, acquire humility, compassion and become highly competent doctors
Anti-ragging measuresInstitution strictly adheres to Anti-ragging policies as per the instructions of Honorable Supreme Court. The Anti-ragging committee is always alert and takes preventive anti -ragging measures judiciously to thwart unpleasant incidents from taking place. Wardens, Caretakers and Matrons stay in the hostels and provide support day and night.
Security systemHostel security system has guards posted at entry and exit points of the hostel wings. In/out records are maintained in ‘entry and exit’ registers. Without permission of the warden, no visitors are allowed inside the hostel. CCTV cameras are in place to capture all entry and exit points. This exercise ensures the safety of students. All activities are monitored in the security office on the ground floor of the hostel building.
Medical servicesFirst-aid kit is always available in the hostel. Campus has IPD and ICU services near to hostel premises. On duty doctors are available all the time.
All our students and staff are vaccinated with covid -vaccineSanitizers are available at all main entry and exit points.
Electrical and plumbing facilityFor resolving electrical and plumbing problems electricians and plumbers are available in the campus. Free of cost services are provided when needed. Electricity supply to the entire campus including hostels are backed by generator facilities.
Boys and Girls will be provided accommodation in separate hostels. Three students will be accommodated in one room which is fully furnished. Rooms have attached bathrooms & toilets. Each floor has a common study room. The Hostel also has a spacious kitchen with all modern cooking facilities. Both vegetarian and non vegetarian food gets served in the hostel.
The hostel has facilities for indoor games and a separate gymnasium for boys and girls. In addition, adequate sports facilities including for football, cricket, volleyball and basketball are available inside the college campus.
- Principal is the Chief Warden.
- Each hostel has a Warden and an Assistant Warden, who are appointed by the Principal. They are members of the teaching faculty. In addition, matron and caretaker services are available.
- Hostels will be under the direct control of the wardens/Asst. wardens.
- The Chief Wardens’ decision will be final in the interpretation of rules, and all matters connected with the hostel.
- There shall be an executive committee for each of the hostels. The committee shall comprise of Principal, Warden, matron/Caretaker, hostel secretary and the floor representatives. The Secretary/President/Executive member in charge of hostels of the Gurudeva Charitable trust will be a special invitee for participating in the meetings of the executive committee of the hostel.
- Ordinarily admission to the hostel as an inmate is restricted to medical students of the Institution.
- All students requiring accommodation have to submit an application ( in the prescribed form) to the Warden concerned. Applications not in the proper form will be rejected.
- At the time of admission to the hostel, students have to furnish necessary declarations in the prescribed form. If he/she is a minor, the undertaking must be given by the parent/guardian.
- Each student on admission shall pay the stipulated caution deposit and a mess advance deposit. The deposit amounts will be refunded at the time of his/her leaving the hostel on completion of the course.
- Room rent
- Electricity and Water Charge
- Establishment Charges
- Mess Charges
The establishment charges are meant to cover the wages of cooks, cleaning staff as well as contribution towards subscription of dailies, periodicals and cable /satellite television etc.
Payment of dues
- All dues are to be paid at the college office on or before the 15th of every month in case of monthly remittances or at the beginning of academic year in case of yearly payment. A fine will be levied for late payment if dues are not paid even by the end of the month. The caution deposit will be used to meet such dues, and the student may be asked to vacate the hostel.
- Before leaving the hostel on planned vacations, the student shall settle all dues till the date of leaving.
Vacating the hostel
- Students who successfully complete the course of study will be required to vacate the hostel permanently immediately after announcement of results. In case of failure in the final MBBS examination, the student may be allowed to continue in the hostel until the next examination after paying the fees for the extended stay.
- Inmates who wish to reside outside the hostel along with their parents/guardian may be permitted to do so, but only at the end of the term. For this purpose he/she should submit an application to the wardens, along with the letter of authorization from his parents/guardians. On no account, shall an inmate vacate the hostel without the permission of the warden.
- Students shall be permitted to vacate temporarily at a short notice if necessary, in case of routine maintenance work of the hostel building, during natural calamities, outbreak of communicable disease etc
- The keys of the room, study table and almirah should be handed over to the caretaker/matron before vacating the hostel.
- Inmates are requested to take their food only in the mess hall, food will not be served in the rooms of inmates as a rule. In exceptional cases like sickness this may be allowed only with specific permission of hostel warden
- Inmates are not allowed to take crockery to their rooms under any circumstances. Those who wish to keep their own plates or cups in the room should have their names engraved on it.
- Food serving timings: Breakfast- 7.00 to 8.00am, Lunch- 12.00 to 2.00pm, Tea- 4.00 to 5.00pm, Dinner- 7.00 to 8.30pm. First 15 minutes of each time slot is exclusively reserved for the first year students for collecting food from the food counter.
- Food coupons should be collected from the Accounts section every month and the food coupon should be handed over to the person at the food counter while receiving the food.
General discipline of the hostel
- Inmates shall keep their room clean
- They should behave with restraint and decorum. Shouting, singing aloud or indulging in acts likely to disturb fellow inmates or persons staying in the hostel should be avoided.
- Use of narcotics and intoxicating drugs, alcohol etc is not permitted. Those who use such things will be expelled from the hostel. Smoking is also prohibited in the hostel and its premises.
- All students are expected to be back in the hostel by 9.30pm, absolute silence should be observed in hostels from 10.00pm onwards.
- Inmates are not permitted to remove any article of furniture, lights or any other furnishings from their rooms or from hostel premises. The cost on account of damage or loss of any hostel property will be recovered from the individual concerned.
- Students are forbidden from convening meetings of any sort or collecting money for any purpose, within the hostel/college premises without permission of the Principal.
- Inmates are requested to report their complaints at first to one of the officers- caretaker/Matron/Asst: Warden/Warden/Principal before they report to their parents. Identity of the complainant shall be kept confidential.
- Inmates are requested to enter their names in Movement register, if they are going out of the campus. Permission of one of the officials mentioned above is mandatory.
- Students are prohibited from making any alterations in the room, defacing the walls by painting on the wall or fixing indecent posters.
- No student shall absent himself / herself from the hostel for the night without prior permission of the Warden/Asst. Warden.
- Guests/ Visitors are not permitted to stay in the hostel. They are not allowed inside the inmate’s room. Inmates shall meet the visitors only in the visitor’s room or lounge between 4.00pm and 6.00pm.
- Use of electrical appliances like fridge, induction cooker, music system etc is prohibited in the hostel rooms. Any such equipment identified inside the hostel room will be taken into custody by the college authorities.